
About us
Why we are here
We help to secure the future for birds and nature, using our science, monitoring and data to inform good environmental decisions, inspiring others with the wonder of birds and empowering them to work with us.
What we do
Our priority is to make a positive impact for birds, using our strong and objective science in partnership with others. We strive to work sustainably and to welcome everyone.
Our Values
We have four core values:
We are evidence-led, using our science, data and expertise to make a positive difference for birds and for people.
We are inclusive, supporting, valuing and having respect for our staff and those who work with us.
We are collaborative, working in partnership with individuals and organisations to achieve our collective goals.
We are empowering, using our work to create opportunities through which individuals and communities can engage with science and the natural world, for the benefit of all.
Get involved
Birds, Science, People; it is a powerful combination – will you be part of it?