Our strategy

Professor Zoe Davies
Chair of the Board of Trustees
Facing up to the challenge
Globally, we are facing two interrelated environmental crises: biodiversity loss and climate change.
The need to protect and restore species, and the ecosystems they inhabit, has never been so critical. This is particularly evident in the UK, which has become one of the most nature-depleted countries in the world.
Between now and 2030, BTO will strengthen its role in the conservation sector, providing robust scientific evidence to support solution-orientated action.
A fundamental part of this will be inspiring a greater number and diversity of people to engage actively with BTO, so they can experience the benefits of biodiversity and power of science first-hand.
The committed and expert BTO staff, assisted by a passionate Board of Trustees, have developed this ambitious strategy for the next seven years.
As incoming Chair of the Board of Trustees, I am proud to be part of this journey, where we will deliver on our strategic objectives to ensure a positive impact for birds, nature more broadly, and people.

Professor Juliet Vickery
Chief Executive
Birds, Science, People
Birds, Science and People are the core of BTO, and our 90-year history is proof of the power of that approach.
Our unique, long-term partnership between volunteer observers and professional staff, has afforded us a deep understanding of birds in a changing world. Our science and data are telling us loud and clear that nature is in trouble.
The urgency with which we need to ensure a more secure future for nature demands us to do more with our wealth of data, knowledge and expertise. Remaining rooted in science, we will be more solution-focused and more assertive in our recommendations, empower more people from across society in our work and foster a strong sense of belonging for all. To make meaningful progress we will grow our income and ensure that our finances remain robust and well managed.
This strategy will run to 2030, when global leaders will report against their commitments to halt the decline of biodiversity and BTO data will play a role on the global stage.
We will retain Birds, Science and People at our core, working in partnership with others to maximise our impact for birds and our inclusivity for people.
This short animation by animator Will Rose sets out the challenge and what BTO is going to do to make a positive impact for birds and for people.
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Our world is facing two huge challenges: biodiversity loss and climate change.
The need to protect and restore species and the natural world on which they depend has never been so critical.
Our science and data are telling us loud and clear that nature is in trouble.
Birds, science and people are at the core of BTO, and our long history is proof of the power of that approach.
Our science and long-term monitoring continue to highlight the changes that are taking place, not only identifying the drivers of change but also finding and testing solutions.
But we all need to do more, and we need to do it now.
Between now and 2030, BTO will do more with our wealth of data, science and expertise, to secure a better future for birds, and for people.
Addressing these challenges will mean empowering more people from across society, fostering a strong sense of belonging for all.
Our strategy sets out how we are going to do this.
We will inspire, engage, and empower a greater diversity of people to discover and value nature.
We will track changes in bird populations, as a measure of the health of the natural world, working with partners to find ways to improve this for nature and for people.
We will use our science to develop ways to manage our environment better.
And we will ensure that everyone who works with us feels valued, and confident they are playing an active role in tackling the biodiversity and climate crises.
Birds, Science, People; it is a powerful combination – will you be part of it?
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Birds, Science, People; it is a powerful combination – will you be part of it?